Heyyyy! 👋

So, here’s the deal: I’ve got a teensy-weensy hiccup on the website. You know those videos I promised you? Yeah, they’re currently playing hard to get. Like, “Nah, not today, sweetie!” 🎥

The Glitchy Situation

My videos? Oh, they’re channeling their inner divas. They’re sipping virtual martinis, lounging on the server, and giving me the side-eye. 🤨 Why, Oh Why? don’t ask me, I’m just a 20-year-old girl trying to adult in this digital jungle. And let’s be real—I’m not exactly a tech wizard. My coding skills? About as polished as a banana peel on a slippery floor. 🍌

The Grand Fix

Fear not! The cavalry is on its way. Tomorrow, the Internet Guy (yes, that’s his official title) is swooping in like a caped crusader. He’ll sprinkle some magical code dust. Voilà! 🪄

What You Can Do

  1. Patience : Hang tight. The videos will emerge from their secret hideout soon. 🕵️‍♀️
  2. Send Positive Vibes: Whisper sweet nothings to your screens. Tell those videos, “Come on out, darlings! We believe in you!” 🌟

Remember, glitches happen to the best of us. It’s like life’s way of saying, “Hey, you’re not a robot!”

Disclaimer: This blog post is brought to you by caffeine-induced giggles and a dash of whimsy. Professional tech advice? Nah, we’re all about the banana-peel-level expertise here. 😜

Now you can watch this video of Moss explaining the internet to Jen This illustrates my technical skills (I am Her RN )

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